Wednesday, November 20, 2013

5th grade self-portraits
These are really incredible.  In some cases, the students restarted many times.  They were determined to get them just the way they wanted them.  Colored pencil face drawings that actually look like the person are very hard.  We talked about how each of us doesn't like our own work but we really think our friends did a great job.  I think they are amazing and only wish my kids had done them.

Ms. Pyle's kindergarten
Eric Carle's animals

 cotton tail rabbit
bald eagle
I didn't need to label these - you can tell what they are.
3rd grade self-portraits
The haikus have started!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

US Symbols
Mrs. Frazier's first graders have started a unit on American symbols. 
Today we did some preliminary sketching.  Wow - those kids can draw!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013