Friday, September 27, 2013

5th grade selfportraits
As we begin working on selfportraits, I am amazed how much they improve every week.


4th grade  non-fiction
Students have identified questions they want to know the answers to and have drawn pictures to go with their research.
We have some very talented drawers.


Thursday, September 26, 2013

Sea Creature Mural
Our 5th grade clay mural is finally hanging in the upper hall!

See if you can find the Giant Squid or the Firefly Squid.

Monday, September 23, 2013

United States Map

Mrs. Shellenberger's class did a great job with this map of the United States, complete  with a map key.  Everything was made out of felt.  It was hard to cut and hard to glue.  We worked on it for several sessions.  Everyone knows where things are on the map now.
Good job!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Space Art
Have you ever seen "Starry Night" look like these?
After painting the night sky, we imagined all kinds of space stories.


One Minute Sketches
Mostly every class has practiced one minute sketches.  At first, one minute doesn't seem long enough.  After a few drawings, one minute seems plenty long.  We went from inanimate objects to people.  The kids really love getting up on the table, striking a pose and standing for one minute while the rest draw them.

Sea Creature Mural

The 2 piece mural is finished and in the process of being hung in the upper hallway. 
We're so anxious to see it on the wall!