Wednesday, February 10, 2016


After studying the difference between 2D and 3D and figuring out how to draw 3D geometric shapes,  we tried 3D cities.  We used isometric paper to start.  It didn't take long before they were drawing everything.
The students always LOVE this.  Here are drawings by 3rd and 5th graders.

2nd graders explaining why they think the drawings are well done.

This Old Key

I had a huge bag of old keys that my mother collected in her travels through Europe. 
 I gave each student a key and asked them to draw what the key opens or closes 
and add atleast one word.

Native Americans
Powhatan, Plains, Pueblo

2nd grade's collages have come out quite good.  I love the fadeless art paper. 

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Global School Play Day

This year we decided to experiment with the many benefits of play.  We wanted the kids have unstructured play time, bringing in toys from home and playing in multi-age groups.
The art studio was open and students came in mostly in groups all day long. 

Painting was a big hit and so were doodle names.


3rd and 5th grade students are working on 3 dimensional drawings and perspective.
It's amazing how much they love these isometric drawings!

We Hold These Truths to be Self-Evident

5th graders study the Declaration of Independence.  
After an especially great lesson by the classroom teachers, 
each student wrote a poem documenting how they felt.  
They are very impressive.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident...
all animals and people should be treated equally,
man will be free forever,
America will never be perfect but it will be free,
kids get too much homework,
all wifis should be free,
girls are annoying and rude to boys,
war, fighting and grief is not the answer,
dogs, cats and all animals should not be abused,
all children should have the right to be educated,
people should be paid more so there is no homeless,
students backpacks are too heavy,
and justice for all."
 5th graders came up with an idea to display them.
They decided on a gigantic flag and figured out how to do it
by themselves.
You'll have to come to Quest Fest to see the final display!