Friday, March 18, 2016


Self-portraits are always so much fun.  One student today said, "We did this last year.  Why are we doing it again?  Oh wait, is it because we grew?"
As a mother, I always wished my kids would've come home with self-portraits every year.  Kindergarten and 1st grade have been working on these recently.

1st grade

Tuesday, March 8, 2016


Second graders are studying China and we thought it would be great to paint a canvas.

Students planned their canvases by looking at blue and white porcelain pottery, flower arranging and Chinese images.  Here are planning sheets.

Students first painted the background color after blocking off the pot area.

3rd graders think about painting emotions

Is it possible to paint emotion into our self-portraits?
We studied the work of Fred Babb.

We drew our self-portraits and then went over them with a sharpie marker.
The painting was fun.  Some students were worried about how they'd feel if they didn't like it once it was painted and so we made two.

What do different colors mean?  We decided colors mean different things to different people.
A blue face could mean you are calm like floating in air but it could also mean
 you are electrified and energized. 

As the pictures begin to be finished, I realize how hard they've worked on them and how much they mean to them.  Some of the kids have taken risks and loved the outcome.  Some kids have taken risks and wanted to do it over.  The experience of taking that risk is huge.

"My self-portrait came out just like I wanted it to be.   It's important to me because i think it's the best drawing i have done this year."
"I feel happy because my art came from my heart."
"I was inspired by Fred Babb and i won't change anything."
"Along the way when I was painting, my paper started to crumble.  I also learned that I look really good with orange hair."

Kindergartners get to know their faces.

These are self-portraits done in colored pencil.  They are amazing for 6 year olds.

These are self-portraits of the future.  
what will we look like when we are 100 years old. 
We talked and looked at old people - their wrinkles, hair, glasses, teeth...